Author: Eddie

Around the Web Digest: February 2018

Around the Web Digest: February 2018

Now that spring in the northern hemisphere is returning,  my seasonal affective disorder will probably revert to regular depression again.  However, the monthly harvest of internet discourse remains fruitful with my just as consistent monthly round-up. Well if I was not already in a state of severe anxiety regarding the job market for anthropology majors and …

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Anthrodendum: 2017 in Review

Anthrodendum: 2017 in Review

2017 was a very productive year for Anthro{dendum} and to kick off another year in the anthropology blogosphere, I bring our annual year in review! Our three most popular posts: “What you can REALLY do with an anthropology degree”  An honest and sobering look at the job prospectives for those with anthropology degrees. Hopefully, this will …

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